Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A bit about the designer SCHIAPARELLI

Schiaparelli was a product of the thirties and her chief contribution was color- shocking pink beacame a rage. She had a sense of fun and many of the things she designed seemed outrageous, but she influcened fashion and a Schiaparelli label is something to boast about. There are collectors of her clothing as well as her labels. Keep an eye out for these amazing pieces to add to your collection!


  1. You have such an amazing eye for fashion and thanks for doing your homework about the history of the designers you feature. You're making your fans become so much more savvy by giving us this information.
    Very Smart!!!

  2. Thank you Sweetie! I appreciate that. :-) More articles to come. I'm going to be doing some downloading of some new items this coming week. Look for them probably around Thursday or Friday. It takes many hours to take the pics. and post. When that slows down I'll be sure to post more informative articles :-)
    Have a great weekend!
